Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Day 25 - Vero Beach, Florida

Another lovely sleep in this morning - woke about 8.30am. Roy and Barbara took us over the causeway to have breakfast by the ocean. It was so beautiful. We then got back home and did some emailing and went to pick Anna up. We spent a small amount of time with Donna and then took Anna out. She didn't know what she wanted to do, so we went to Walmart first. Then drove back over the causeway and spent some time sitting at the beach chatting. After that we went out for lunch/dinner and then took Anna back to the refuge where Anna took some video for Cheryl and David. We had a wonderful time with her and pray that she will feel comfortable to stay longer than she plans at the moment.

One of the gorgeous squirrels at the Refuge

The grounds of the refuge (photo above and below)

Anna and us

We sadly left Anna and headed back to Walmart where we bought the shop out! Then back to Roy and Barbara's for more emailing then some photo's and some lovely chats.

Barbara, Roy, Gra and I relaxing

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