Sunday, October 9, 2005

Day 16 - New York - Dekover B&B

What a wonderful wake it was - 9.30am! WOW for us. The longest sleep in we've had. It was lovely not to have to rush anywhere. A great shower and then up to breakfast with our hosts. It was so wonderful, peaceful and yummy! - we didn't have much time with our hosts - but they sure were lovely and welcoming.

We left to head into NY. We had to divert part of the train journey to a shuttle again today because of train works.

We walked and walked and walked and walked and walked....about 15km! Went down to Battery Park first, past the big bull at Wall Street....

and what was left of the Sphere at the World Trade Centre....

We were also able to see 3 young and very fit guys put on a performance at the park....

We also spotted a squirrel and took some photo's of a gorgeous park at the bottom end of Broadway.....

we then took some photo's of the Statue of Liberty....what we could see of it through the rain!....

We then walked up toward the top end of town (we thought) and bought Gra some binoculars.
Saw Union Square.....

Then we headed to The Empire State Building - but the view would have only been about 5 blocks - so not worth the cost....

finally - this one is Broadway at night.

We looked out for some dinner and after 2 hours on the internet trying to work out trains and accommodation and then came home quite footsore and exhausted. Relaxed for a while then off to bed for an early 6am rise.
Here's some photo's of our 'home' in New York.

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