Monday, October 17, 2005

Day 24 - Miami, Florida to Vero Beach, Florida

Absolutely NO photo's today - a record - but not for a great was just a very tough day.

Well, we slept until nearly 11am. I was still feeling very fragile. We got up and about then went downstairs to check our emails. I had a response from Barbara at the Women's Refuge where Anna is staying saying it was fine for us to come and visit Anna. It was here that the day really changed. I called Barbara and found it was a good 3 hours drive to where they were. That sent us into a spin. We had to cancel our Hotel and try to get a rental car and get on the move - quickly. I had booked the Hotel over the internet and paid for all 3 nights. Thankfully, once they heard our story and realised we were from Australia, the kept $50 and refunded the rest. Truthfully I was delighted to be out of there, but apprehensive about going to stay with people we didn't know. Barbara and Roy had insisted we stay with them.
It was now 2pm. I was desperately sad and missing Chicago - but we moved on. It was probably the hardest day of all for me. We finally got on the road at about 3pm and made it to Anna at 7pm. She looks wonderful - but has a long way to go still. Barbara and Roy have taken us in so beautifully - they are so lovely and have really put so much work into Anna. I had a lovely evenign chatting with Anna and spending time with her and her group. Then I came home with Barbara. Gra had gone with Roy much earlier. They have a lovely home. As I prepared for bed I had to drop to my knees and apologise to God because He had provided so much better accommodation and company than we could have ever had in the horrible Hotel our day started in. I had to let go of the thought of relaxing by the pool but I'm not sure at the reality of that anyway.
By the way - I'd give you nothing for Miami and it's people. We only saw it briefly, but it's an unfriendly and sleezy place - very busy and just yuk! When we hired the car I noticed some marks on it so went back to see if there was a form to show the damage so we wouldn't get accused - and he just looked at me and laughed - there was no such form in Miami! Damaged cars are part of life apparently!

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